Predator Rap

March 26, 2008

A rap synopsis of Predator 1. Hilarious.

– joe

Linn Olofsdotter

March 25, 2008

Hope you all had a good Easter weekend and are all now a few pounds heavier as a result.

Just a quick post for this morning to tell you about a designer/illustrator the internet recently brought to my attention.

Check out more of Linn Olosdotter’s work here…

Whilst I was on a bit of a computer game trip I though I would take the time to shamelessly plug my favourite online gaming community Talking About Games.  A relatively newly formed alliance between popular gaming podcasts Achievement Junkie and UncleGamer Radio, the site has formed a great community based around some new podcasts, good reviews and a friendly crowd.

My Forum Name: JoeSetsFire

Console Mods: Wii

March 17, 2008

 There is something about the overt ugliness of console mods that keeps me smiling.  The creativity, resourcefulness and time poured into these projects never fails to astound me and the kitsch aesthetics take on a style of their own.  I noticed this jewel encrusted USD4,000 Super Smash Brothers Brawl and embarked on a little mission to find one or two of the best and worst mods I could find on the web.

Crystal Icing’s Swarovski Super Bling Brothers Mod.  

Zelda Mod spotted on Geeologie.

Rockstar Games Mod.  Spotted at The Fun Bucket.

Metroid Mod spotted at Wii News Daily.

This one doesn’t even play Wii games anymore.  Mod by Kotomi. 


Caught word of this beautiful web comic from my friend Ross over at ‘do i look like i want to buy a suit my friend?’ and thought I would share the love. The beautifully rendered comic follows the life and times of a slightly ‘special’ Yeti named Charles Christopher. The story lines are obtuse and hilarious and the comic’s dimwitted protagonist plays the pathetic hero amongst a cast of quirky animal co-stars. The effect is a bizarrely touching series of seemingly random events that appear to be slowly meshing into a more robust storyline (of sorts). It is fairly early days for the comic and the whole back catalog consists of a couple of dozens strips so it’s easy to read back and get the whole story so far.

Go Check it Out:

Whitehouse Posters

March 13, 2008

Whitehouse Poster

I just finished up these posters for the band Whitehouse. I can’t take too much credit for the designs, the main body of artwork is created by the artist Stefan Danielsson, my job was one of only layout and type. Stefan’s work is primarily a combination of collage and drawing with his current themes being rooted firmly in Africa and the issues therein. You can see more on his blog.

I have been known to subject my ears to the electronic chaos that is Whitehouse, so it was quite an honour to do the posters for their final show as their current William Bennett/Phillip Best Lineup. If you are in the area, be sure to check out the show.

Roll Credits

March 12, 2008

Frustrated with my current creative output I have turned to the internet for inspiration.  Scrap that.  I have turned to the internet for an incentive.  A reason to do something new everyday and to constantly re-evaluate what I think I know.

So this is my digital scrapbook, my little collection of thoughts, ideas and snippets that make me laugh.  In all, it is just a reason for me to do something every day.  To write, discover, rant or just spread the word of something I think is cool.  If any body reads it? Bonus.